Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The University of Texas Dorms vs Drugs

On September 8, 2015, The Daily Texan published an article titled UTPD files majority of drug-related charges in dorms and garages. This article highlights the problem and the failure that our local government faces with regard to drug use on the UT campus. The article informs present college students that not even their dorms exclude them from the law. The consequences of smoking marijuana seem to not frighten the students at the University Of Texas. UTPD officers often catch students in there dorms smoking marijuana. It seems to be a big problem on the campus; neighbors often call the cops due to the strong smell that it has. Once the police arrive, they have the right to search their dorms. Students often disagree and feel that cops should not be able to search there dorms do to privacy. But with just the smell of marijuana police have probable cause and that legally gives them authority to search their dorms.