Saturday, November 14, 2015

Commenatary On The Death Penalty

The ideas of Texas residents have changed. We as the new generation of Texas should change the death penalty. In the article titled "Capital Punishment: A Burden to All Texans," by my colleague Sarah, she gives out a strong argument on why the death penalty is not a good punishment and why it should be part of the past.
She gives out factual evidence to support her thesis. For example, her statements about putting someone in jail actually costing less meaning less money wasted. Sometimes we wrongly convict people because our criminal justice system is not perfect. The amount of Texas juries who favor the death penalty have gone down. Also the State of Texas has a very big percentage of the nations total death penalty sentences.
I agree with Sara we should help these people, help them before they commit crimes that could possibly get them to be in thas position. All this money wasted in such a long process should help our education programs. Helping our youth get educated can prevent them from committing crimes that could possibly get them in that situation one day. Killing someone has proven to solve nothing. The death sentence has been around for so long and has not brought down crime. So if the government keeps enforcing this punishment they will just cause more harm than good. Texans'  tax money should not go to murdering people but to helping them.

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