Friday, December 11, 2015

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor

I agree with the article titled "Denial" by my colleague Rachael Doan, she gives out very good examples on how we have helped other civilians before. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott along with others have no right to stop America from helping those in need. In no way should we allow terrorist to frighten us and prevent us from helping Syrian refugees.
Her statement about the world wars is a very good statement. For example in world war 2 did we let the Nazi Germans control our decisions? As soon as Japan their ally attacked us we declared war. France has been our ally for a long time but this does not mean we should blame a whole group of people for what others do. We did the same mistake in World War 2 we locked up our fellow citizens, just because they had Japanese ancestry. So in no way should we blame Syrian refugees for the Paris attacks and prevent them from having a better life.
We as Texans have always considered our selves better then all of the states because we have a much bigger history and heritage. By Gov. Greg Abbott closing the doors for these people in need, he shows just the opposite of what we as Texans see ourselves as. If we look at the quote on the statue of liberty it says, " Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp besides the golden door." That is what Syrian refugees are striving for, freedom and thats what Texas as well as the whole country stand for.

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