Friday, October 2, 2015

Texas Attacks The Fourteenth Amendment

     On September 25, 2015 Gissela SantaCruz wrote a article in Mystatesman  titled "Santa Cruz: Texas' Unjust policy Hurts American-born Children." Informing the Hispanic community as well as those Americans with families, she gives out a strong argument defending the right that all Americans get once they are born, which is naturalize citizenship. She argues that Texas lawmakers are forgetting the Fourteenth Amendment and what it stands for. The Fourteenth Amendment was set up to protect the American people from states denying them their civil rights. Now the Texas government feels they have the right to exempt themselves from this federal law. These children being born to undocumented parents are not getting their U.S. birth certificate because their parents have no U.S. ID, but instead a matricula; for this reason they can not claim being American or get basic help from the government. The Mexican council gives their citizens a matricula in order to identify themselves. A matricula is a ID for Mexican Citizens to identify themselves in the states as Mexican citizens and not American Citizens.
     Gov. Greg Abbot argues that if the Mexican consulate card could be more secure then maybe Texas would accept it. However in response Gissela SantaCruz defends her argument by explaining that not only do Mexican Citizens have to prove their Mexican Citizenship, but the matricula is also denied to those who have a criminal background. It is as well denied to those Mexican citizens who are in prosecution or face a judicial or administrative process in Mexico. But she also states that the consulate card has some of the same safety features in an official state-issued ID, and that the most recent Mexican matricula is more durable then the Texas Driver License as well as including a chip that contains the information printed on the card to help verify a person’s identity. So all these features make the Mexican matricula very hard to duplicate. I agree with Giseela SantaCruz because she had a very effective argument making it a trustworthy article. America is made out of immigrants and no one has the freewill to choose where they are born or who their parents are. We should not punish our own because then we will be seen as hypocrites around the world.

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