Sunday, October 18, 2015

Women Smarter Then Men?

Catherine Rampell wrote a article titled "Women have reasons for choosing majors," published on October 17, 2015. Rampell intending to inform women, college students, and anyone interested in this subject that, unlike men, women tend to choose their majors by what will keep them off poverty wages. She starts her argument by stating that for the first time in U.S. history more women will have a four year college degree than men. She says in her article ,"30.2 percent for all women 25 and older vs. 29.9 percent for men the same age." She asks why women invest more in school knowing that they are less likely to be in the labor force as well as why women choose majors that won't help them as much financially.
She answers the questions by giving factors that could possibly be the reasons. One of the factors is that many women choose to take time off their careers to care for their children.  Teaching and nursing are more stable jobs because of the flexibility they give women and they give women less of  a punishment for going in and out when they need to. Since at some point most women will get pregnant, the flexibility helps them know they have job security. While women choose jobs for this reason, men go for jobs that will put them in a better economical position. Men have more jobs in better paying careers such as engineering and computer and information sciences.
I believe her argument is really weak though I do believe women are paid less than men in most jobs, even after earning the same degrees, and I believe women surpass men in getting a better education. Rampell does not back her argument with a credible source such as where she got this information. It seems she's not too sure about her argument. When she answers her questions, I feel she gets the answer from off the top of her head. She also contradicts her argument at times.

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