Saturday, November 28, 2015

Travis County Attacks Homelessness

Homelessness, is one of many problems seen all around the world. Texas should do more to help people facing homelessness because its not only the right thing to do, but it helps give hope to the community. Community First!, a program was established to help homeless people, has for nearly 15 years lifted homeless people off the streets and into their own home in RV Parks scattered throughout Seattle. However it also has been on a mission for more than 10 years to get as many people as possible of the streets of Travis county. It's been estimated that there are 6,000 people living in the streets in the county.

With this program, Travis County has just taken a big step forward to help its residents in need. This community is privately funded and it includes RV's, tiny homes, and canvas-sided cottages. The goal of this project is to give homeless individuals, safe, secure and refined homes. Its intention is in no way an attempt to get these people in need out of sight. It's a way to help them have a better life.

The village will eventually shelter 200 people who face homelessness and will provide them essential tools such as social, medical and employment services. This all will be provided in order to help them overcome the challenges that forced them to be homeless. They will however be required to pay rent which is estimated to be around $225 to $380 and they will also be required to follow civil and community law. This will be a perfect way to help residents facing this issue because its a sincere help from people who care. It also reminds them that they are not alone and that they are part of our society.

1 comment:

Callie C. said...

I agree with this 100%.
Homelessness is a sad and important issue that needs to be addressed, and I'm happy to read that it is on its way to being done.
I think all homeless people need a pick me up, and need to be shown that there are people who are willing to help, but they do need to be met halfway. You can't just help someone who isn't willing to put forth the effort to try to attempt to change their situation. I see people all over town with signs asking for help, but not everyone of them are homeless. It's sad to see that people are lazy and just ask for handouts. If you are homeless, seek help at the shelter, make the effort to change. Basically, don't sit and beg. I think if you need help, and have to meet certain requirements in order to keep the help you have been given, why not do something in order to keep it?